2023 – the year of chakras!

Happy January, Happy New Year!

This month, I encourage you to copy nature and snuggle on down to hibernate for a bit.  It’s the perfect time of year (especially with Mercury in retrograde til mid-month) to turn inward, reflecting and restoring ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.  What can you do to support this process?

I’m excited for the new year.  For the next 7 months, I’ll be diving deeper into the chakras with my chair yogis and with you! It’s a heady, abundant topic that gets into metaphysical system concepts, energies in the body/mind/spirit, and how each chakra’s qualities show up in our lives. My absolute favorite resource for chakras is Anodea Judith, especially her book (co-authored with Selene Vega) “The Sevenfold Journey“. January will be focusing on the Root Chakra, which is all about safety/security – our survival program.

Follow me on social media (Facebook, Instagram) for chakra tidbits, affirmations, poses and reflections.  I also offer Chakra Balancing as part of my integrative bodywork practice, so book an appointment today to learn about your own chakras and how they are showing up in your life!

Enjoy this peaceful time,