5% off ’til the open house 9/17! My openings, and what is svadhyaya?

Happy September!  My 5 Year Anniversary Celebration continues through my open house on Tuesday 9/17 (5:00 – 7:00).  Harmony Integrative Bodywork will be celebrating from full moon to full moon – August 19th through September 17th (the Harvest Full Moon!)  5% off of services for that entire period, 5 minute free add-ons to all sessions (scalp or face or belly massage, reiki, energy work, sound healing, focus on one chakra, or whatever you would like!).  I will also donate 5% of my proceeds during that time to The Network/La Red. 

This month I am focusing on the 4th Niyama (positive observances) which is Svadhyaya.  This means self-reflection/self-study.  How often do you take some time to reflect on yourself – what you’re doing, what your goals might be, places for improvement or acknowledging how great you are at something too?  On the mat, we can pay attention to our practice, where we’ve improved and gotten stronger, places we might need to push a little more.  We could ask for feedback from our yoga teacher.  Off the mat, looking at your thoughts and where they are not serving you, and knowing that it is possible to change our beliefs and thoughts, especially in the places where they cause a strong emotional reaction that might drive our response/behavior.

As I prepared to celebrate my 5 years as a business owner, I took the time to review what I’ve done and where I might want to go in the future.  So far the answer is keep doing what I’m doing, and continue to stay present with each client and trust my intuition.  Of course I will continue to take trainings, attend study groups etc but I feel content with my business and have enjoyed how teaching yoga and aqua has helped me be a better therapist.

Here are my openings for the next two weeks; please text 978-771-0377 or email harmonyintegrativebodywork@yahoo.com to book a session:

Weds 9/4    1:30  (60 minutes)
Thurs 9/5   between 2:00 – 5:00  (60, 75, 90 minutes; latest 90 minute starts at 2:45)

Mon 9/9      1:00 (60, 75, 90 minutes)
Weds 9/11    between 2:30 – 5:00  (60, 75, 90 minutes; latest 90 minute starts at 3:00)
Thurs 9/12   12:00 (60, 75, 90 minutes)
Fri 9/13         between 11:30 – 3:00  (60, 75, 90 minutes; latest 90 minute starts at 1:00)

I hope to see you at my open house, don’t forget that there will be yummy snacks/beverages and chances to win free bodywork!

In sincere gratitude,