December Self Care

Happy December!

In my Chair Yoga classes, I love to focus this month on self-care.  It’s not hard to get caught up in the hustle bustle whirlwind of activities that ask us to fight the irresistible pull of Mother Nature and darkness encouraging us to snuggle up on the couch with a warm drink before it’s even dinnertime.  Can you find some balance in this busy season?  We need to take care of ourselves so we can take care of others.

As I recently recovered from a minor cold, I paid close attention to conserving my energy so I could heal. Resting, drinking fluids (herbal tea with lemon/honey, chicken broth with turmeric), and listening to my body signals.  Saying “sorry but no thank you” to social invitation. What things are you expending energy on (worrying, thought/behavior patterns, toxic relationships) that could be used towards things that serve you better?

Built for a friend’s wedding by the father of the bride!

Here is one way we can take a moment for ourselves. Sit with eyes closed for a moment, take 3 deep breaths, then open your eyes and scan your surroundings. What do you notice – colors, textures, shapes? What sounds do you hear? What is your emotional weather? Being present in this moment can help us to appreciate what is going on around us.

Looking forward to finding balance this season and to celebrating my favorite holiday, Winter Solstice/Yule!  I traditionally reflect on what the year brought and what I want to invite in for the next year.  I hope you enjoy whatever you do this time of year.

Warm blessings,