Equipment upgrades and Third Eye Chakra!

Happy June!

I’ve upgraded my studio equipment for a more comfortable bodywork experience!  New flexible face cradle that adjusts to your face/head, new pillowy headrest, and new thick fluffy fleece heated table cover, so comfy!  I also have a new rolling stool, which makes me a more relaxed therapist LOL  Book an appointment today:

In the chakra world, we are focusing on the brow/Third eye chakra this month, located right in the center of your forehead, which happens to align with our pineal gland.  Our pineal gland receives data about external light/dark to help run our circadian rhythm (which affects our sleep cycles).  This chakra is about intuition, wisdom, and imagination, and not surprisingly, the element of light.  When balanced, one is connected to their intuition, their spirit guides, and feels in control of their life.  Imbalances can cause lack of concentration, headaches, nightmares, and poor visual perception.

Do you listen to your intuition?  This voice usually comes from a calm, unhurried place, and can come in the form of images/visual patterns, audio/words, or you may feel it in your body (e.g. “listening to your gut”).  I love this work and am happy to share more if you’re interested, just shoot me a text (978-771-0377) or email ( to explore your own intuitive gifts more.  Spoiler alert – everyone is intuitive!

Happy summer,