Empowerment, healing, transcendence. Meaningful connection, abundance. Deep, rich relationships. These qualities are at the core of Harmony Integrative Bodywork. I am a witness to a person’s healing process, a facilitator and vessel for energy and intuition to travel to my client in a flow. Compassionate, non-judgmental – we each heal in our own way and own time, and although we may seek out others to help us, ultimately it is our choice, our path, our work to do.
The goal of each session is to bring harmony and balance back to your body and mind, to bring awareness so that you can find ways of self-care that support your healing and vitality, in a safe and supportive environment that goes beyond the table. Life is not easy; it can be full of suffering and cause us to protect ourselves in a myriad of ways, physically, mentally, and emotionally. While these coping mechanisms may help us survive, is there a way to find balance within them so we can be our authentic selves and fulfill our purpose for being here?
I come to my clients as someone who understands pain, frustration over reduced mobility/range of motion, and chronic tightness. I believe it helps me be a better and more compassionate therapist. I have turned to massage, myofascial release, yoga, energywork, and more to alleviate multiple symptoms stemming from two serious injuries, and have found relief in all of these modalities. I have dealt with occasional anxiety and panic attacks in the past, and breathwork has been a tremendous ally in that arena. I love helping others and am thrilled and humbled to be doing this work.

My spirit essence (painted by Melissa Harris 2008)

The origin of Harmony
My maiden name is Harmon, and I grew up as a musician, playing many instruments (piano, flute, musical percussion, mellophone, bass guitar, drums, handbells), so "Harmony" has always been a fun interpretation of my name. When I began creating this new business, Harmony quickly came to mind, as I would be blending different modalities to bring my clients into harmony.
Then, my father found a bunch of old photos, and one of them was the one on the left. I never knew that my grandparents had owned a record store, and naturally they played on the Harmon name. Call it coincidence, call it a sign, it just made my decision that much sweeter. "Harmony" kept appearing in other signs and so here we are!