An easy self-care stretch!

Happy August!

In case you missed this on social media, here is an easy self-care stretch to try right now:

  – Place feet on the floor, press one foot then the other, feel Mother Earth beneath you.
  – Inhale arms up over head until palms meet, then exhale hands slowly down through heart center.  Repeat twice. 
  – Then inhale your right arm overhead, reaching through the fingertips; on the exhale, gently bend to the left, stretching through the entire side body for two breaths.  Inhale back to center, and switch arms/repeat.
  – Ahhhhhh…Smile!

I’m pleased to be heading off to Walpole, Maine at the end of this month for more professional development!  I can’t wait to learn more about the myofascial meridians that connect our entire body at Anatomy Trains, and of course implement what I’ve learned at your next visit.

If you’d like to get on the table before then, I have 2 openings for next week, send me a text to book 978-771-0377:
Monday 8/22 1:30    (60 or 75 or 90 minutes)
Thursday 8/25 3:00  (60 or 75 or 90 minutes)

Enjoy the rest of your summer and hope to see you on my table soon,