Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy – Training Recap

Hello Beautiful Bellies!  I’ve had a week to let my training soak in a bit.  It was 5.5 days so there was a lot to absorb!  Overall it was the perfect transition from completing my year-long yoga teacher training and learning the Arvigo® techniques so I can offer them to you, my clients.

Before I dive in, I just have to give the biggest props to the teachers we had, and the safe, nurturing environment they provided.  So much love…and also to 11 new amazing friends.  Knowing that they are with me inside and doing this work elsewhere is so supportive.

Our bellies hold so much, both anatomically and emotionally.  I could make a blog post just on how our society teaches us to think about our bellies and the quest for the six pack.  I will definitely be sharing more about my own feelings around my belly (let’s just say that the family genetics have produced what I like to call the “Harmon Belly”, and one of my self-given nicknames is “Melly Belly” (also a play on Belliard), haha!).

Beautiful healers-in-training!

I have a lot of respect for the many abdominal conditions, including IBD, colitis, diverticulitis; I have several friends/family members with Crohn’s and gastroparesis.  For so many, bloating, constipation/diarrhea, and general intestinal distress is a daily struggle.  It affects people’s quality of life.  This is also true for folks with undiagnosed pelvic pain, painful/irregular menstrual cycles including debilitating cramps and PMS symptoms.  I know plenty of women who had to stay home in high school (and likely beyond) because they were in so much discomfort/pain.

There is also the struggle that some have with infertility, with multiple causes including scar tissue from endometriosis, uterus displacement, fibroids, ovarian/uterine cysts, miscarriages, PCOS for females, and low sperm count/motility, erectile dysfunction, low testosterone for males.

Bladder issues including incontinence, weak or tight muscles, prolapse, and enlarged prostate (in males) all contribute to discomfort and unease.

The lists can go on, but the good news is that Arvigo® can help with these conditions by increasing the flows (blood, lymph, etc) and help bring the body to homeostasis.  I will share my own success story with Arvigo® self-care massage soon.  This work is amazing but the long-term effect is only helped by supplementing it with consistent self-care, which I teach you as part of the initial treatment.

Arvigo joy!

More to come as the training continues to integrate.  In celebration of Beautiful Belly month, I am discounting this service to encourage clients to give it a try.  The initial consultation takes between 2-2.5 hours and is $180, but for October the cost is $165.  Click here for more details on what conditions Arvigo® Therapy can help with.  In continued celebration of beautiful bellies everywhere,
