Celebrating 5 Years in business!

Happy August, and happy 5 year birthday to Harmony Integrative Bodywork!  Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey and the reason for my success – I wouldn’t be here without my clients. Stay tuned for my month-long celebration starting on the full moon 8/19, and you’re cordially invited to celebrate with me on the next full moon with an open house at my studio on Tuesday September 17th from 5 to 7!

This month we are focusing on the 4th Niyama of yoga – Tapas.  Although I love a delicious small plate as much as the next person, this kind of tapas is about self-discipline and resolve, and “igniting the purifying flame”.  I don’t think it’s a coincidence that courage and determination come from the solar plexus chakra, fire in the belly, and our main energy center.  Where in your life could you benefit from additional self-discipline?  Sugar is one of my weaknesses and a substance I work to keep to a minimum in my eating/consumption, so I will be continuing to observe my patterns and urges around it.  I’d like to caution that the concept of self-discipline can be a bit charged in our society, so invite you to be gentle, kind, and compassionate with yourself as you engage with it.  Tapas can also be viewed as burning away things that don’t matter.

On the mat, are there poses you avoid, or don’t put all your energy into due to fear of not being strong enough?  Is there a pose you know your body could benefit from, that you could incorporate into your practice or evening stretch routine?

I know that I was invoking Tapas when I decided to strike off on my own and open my lovely little space in 2019.  I needed those qualities to overcome the fear and anxiety I had around starting my own business.  I’ll be sharing more about my 5 year journey this month and into September, so stay tuned!

Thank you for being a loyal client and being part of my success, I’m so grateful,