Deepening the Gratitude Practice

Deepening the Gratitude practice as we move into the holiday season!  What are you grateful for, and do you have a Gratitude practice already?  Bee Priestess Deborah Fay and I dive deeper into the concept, along with our own practices and the benefits of paying attention to what you are grateful for in your own life.  Check out the podcast at Wild Magic Harmony.

I am certainly grateful for my Myofascial Self Care practice, which includes my favorite red ball.  If you’ve done Myofascial work with me and haven’t used your ball in awhile, it’s a great time to dig it out and then stick it in a sticky spot like the glute, hip, lower back, hamstring….anywhere you can place static pressure on the body for at least 5 minutes!  This extended gentle pressure helps to release/reorganize your connective tissue to help soften chronic holding patterns and tightness.  You can use it at your desk, in the car, on the couch….I even use it when I go to sleep sometimes.  My body is happy to let me know when it’s “done”.

Take good care of yourself as we move into being indoors again and the hectic pace of this time of year.  I’m certainly grateful that you’re my client!