Diving Deep This Winter

Happy Solstice, and happy winter holidays, whatever you celebrate!

As Mother Nature settles the earth down for a long winter’s nap, we are encouraged to do the same, and listen to our own internal cycles.  It’s been another interesting year, and I think we could all use a little break.  What can you do for extra self-care during this busy time of year?  I’ve been encouraging my chair yogis to moisturize their skin, hydrate, get extra rest (maybe even take a few naps!), and be present with the magic of this time of year.  Use this quiet and dark time of year to snuggle in and dream big for 2022.

As for my podcast with the lovely Deborah Fay, we are wrapping up our first season with Episode 7: Walking The Talk.  Here we discuss our own ways of getting quiet so we can honor our inner guidance, rejuvenate our spirit, and let the body rest to prepare for the next cycle of the seasons.  It’s been a blast to do this podcast, and there will be some changes as we move into Season 2, so stay tuned!  You can check out Episode 7 here:  Wild Magic Harmony.

Enjoy the season, and take comfort in the fact that the sunlight is returning a little longer each day now!
