Happy Spring!

I hope you can feel the energy expanding as nature and humans unfold from winter slumbers.  I know we have a ways to go but things are looking up!

Trusting Your Gut Intuition Workshop:  I was delighted to participate in the Higher Love Summit put on by Elevate Southcoast last month – a good time was had by all!  I am happy to report that all of my workshop participants believed they are intuitive (5 out of 5 people are, you know!).  If you’d like to get a sample of what I shared, my other world of professional organizing hosted a podcast with yours truly – although we did discuss some specifics to using intuition during organizing, I am confident you can still find some nuggets for yourself.  

I love my belly!

April is Abdominal….many folks have been experiencing extra digestive stress during this time.  How do you take care of your abdomen?  Basic self care like staying hydrated, eating nourishing foods, and keeping stress down are wonderful for helping our digestive system.  If you find you need additional support, book an appointment today for Abdominal Massage!  My training in the techniques from Dr. Rosita Arvigo help to address misalignment or congestion in the reproductive organs of both men and women, as well as many common digestive disorders.  The techniques effectively alleviate tissue congestion and organ constriction to improve the vital flows of energy, blood, lymph and nerves in the abdomen.  They address and can release emotional and energetic tension from the abdomen.  You will learn a self-care massage to take home to continue to work!

New offering coming soon!  I am cultivating a new offering that integrates self care and TLC – stay tuned for details!

Until next time, enjoy the sunshine, flowers, and birds <3,