Happy Spring and happy heart!

This month I will be sharing tidbits about the heart chakra, which connects and bridges our lower 3 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus) and our upper 3 chakras (throat, third eye, crown).  While many think that this chakra has to do with loving others (especially romantic love), it’s much more important that we love ourselves first, so that others can give and receive love from us!  Forgiveness is also a quality associated with this energy wheel.

A few affirmations you can work with this month:
– I love myself.
– I forgive others and myself.
– I give and receive love

If you haven’t tried a gratitude practice before, this is also a great opportunity to connect with heart.  Even just acknowledging one thing a day that you are grateful for can help shift your focus on abundance.

As someone who takes care of others for a living, I have to be careful to balance giving away love with receiving it.  If you’re someone who is a caretaker, this reciprocity can be a challenge!  So ask for what you need, and open your arms and heart wide to receive what others have to give.  After all, if we all just gave away love, who would be receiving it?

Show yourself some love today and book an appointment!  My cell is 978-771-0377, and email is harmonyintegrativebodywork@yahoo.com

In gratitude,