Ishvara Pranidhana, openings for 10/15 – 10/23, and Prenatal/Postpartum yoga

Happy October!

As we wrap up the Yamas and Niyamas (positive observances), I hope you have been able to play with these concepts and how they can help in your life.  When I first started learning about these, I was in my first 100-hour training at Kripalu Yoga/Retreat Center, and satya (“truth”) jumped out at me.  In my early stages of planning/dreaming, I was going to name my business Satya Bodywork.  As lovely as the idea and concept were, I also know from experience that the name of the business is helpful when it describes what a business does, and most people wouldn’t know the meaning of Satya.  But the concept of incorporating learning the truth about and from our body wisdom remains for my practice here at Harmony Integrative Bodywork.

Our final Niyama is Ishvara Pranidhana, which is self-surrender, reverence, worship.  There is an element of the divine in this observance/practice, and that may be different for everyone, including those who do not feel any connection to a divine source.  The concept can be expanded to aligning with your own belief system, such as world peace or a charity you resonate with and offering positive visualizations towards those causes and even volunteering time and/or money to them.  Generally it evokes a feeling of love, openness, a “glowy” feeling of contentment and connection.

In your practice you could dedicate a session towards someone who is important to you or to one of the causes you align with.  I’ve talked about the metta meditation before (offering peace/love/freedom for yourself and all beings), and that is a great practice for this as well.  While we may not be able to orchestrate world peace, we can practice our own version of it and spread that vibration out around us.
So thank you for following along and again, I hope you were able to learn a few things and practice here and there!

Here are my openings for the next 2 weeks, text 978-771-0377 or email to book your appointment today!

Tues 10/15     1:30   (60 minutes)
Thurs 10/17  2:45   (60, 75 or 90 minutes)
Fri 10/18        11:30 or 12:00 or 12:30   (60, 75 or 90 minutes)

Mon 10/21     1:30 or 2:00 or 2:30   (60, 75 or 90 minutes)
Tues 10/22    4:00   (60, 75 or 90 minutes)
Weds 10/23   11:00 or 11:30 or 12:00   (60, 75 or 90 minutes)

For those who are prenatal/postpartum or have prenatal/postpartum friends, we’ve started prenatal/postpartum yoga classes again at Wellness Hot Yoga on Wednesdays at noon!   I teach every other week and alternate with Teri Almquist, the studio owner.  

Thank you,