Lighten up for summer, let go of what is no longer serving you

Happy June!

This month’s Niyama (how we act towards ourselves/positive observances) is Saucha, which translates to “cleanliness”.  The concept is more about shifting what is no longer serving you, both internally and externally (e.g. cleaning house) to ensure and protect the sanctity of the energy around us.  As we expand into the lighter energy of summer, it’s a perfect time to review the things that maybe used to be fulfilling for you but no longer are.  Life is always changing and we are growing, so activities/people that made us happy before may no longer be the best fit.  Are there habits, patterns that have become harmful for you?  Can you shift them, replace them with habits and patterns that uplift and support you?

I hope you have some fun activities planned this summer now that it’s finally nice out!  Personally I will be going to Vermont for a Disc Golf weekend with 3 other couples, and going back to our favorite lake place in early August.  Other than that, I’ll be around to add to your summer relaxation so book an appointment today (text 978-771-0377,
