Loving Our Whole Self: A Full Flower Moon Ritual w/ Mandala Coloring on Zoom

(moon journal, courtesy of Deborah Fay)

Hello Friends!

(example of a mandala, Pinterest image)

 The mandala represents an imaginary palace that is contemplated during meditation. Each object in the palace has significance, representing an aspect of wisdom or reminding the meditator of a guiding principle. The mandala’s purpose is to help transform ordinary minds into enlightened ones and to assist with healing.


Bee Priestess sister, Deborah Fay (both our names – hers from the Hebrew + mine from the Greek mean honey bee) welcome you to our hive! We are joining up for:

Loving Our Whole Self: a Zoom Full Flower Moon Ritual w/Mandala Coloring on Wednesday, May 26th

Reserve your space HERE.

This live online ritual will include:

Drawing Down the Moon movement, guided meditation, mandala coloring ritual, readings, poetry, reflection, mandala dedication ceremony and more!

Loving Our Whole Self is a discovery process of revealing those voices who want to be heard, recognized and welcomed to the banquet of life. Oftentimes we want only the shiny parts to be seen, but we lose out on fully expressing ourselves when we hide the shadow voice. The theme for tonight is one of empowering you to awaken to all the voices within that have important messages for you.  We will use mandala to dive deep and bring treasures to the surface for you to celebrate!  

BONUS; All attendees will get an exclusive special ($10 off) on our 2:2 Combo Healing Sessions:

In these nurturing and grounded sessions, you will receive Reiki and intuitive messages from both Deborah and me. When we collaborate, we amplify the energy that comes through us and also heighten our intuitive receptivity. In this way you will have two times the input and synergistic energy to guide you and help you regain balance in whatever ways you may need. 

(mandala, Pinterest)

We can’t wait to see you,
Melissa Belliard


Deborah Fay