Our New Podcast, Wild Magic Harmony launches today (Summer Solstice)!

Logo Wild Magic Harmony
Wild Magic Harmony, The Divine Feminine, mixed media (c) 2021
Hello Friends!  Happy Summer Solstice, Happy Summer, Happy longest daylight of the year!  I am  celebrating a very special launch on this Summer Solstice with my fellow Bee Priestess Deborah Fay with our latest creative collaboration- an all new podcast + brand: Wild Magic Harmony.
Wild Magic Harmony: Divine Feminine Soul-Tending and Goddess Centered Self-Care for Your Whole Bee-ing

Explore Divine Feminine soul-tending and Goddess centered self-care with Bee Priestess hosts Melissa Belliard and Deborah Fay. Intriguing conversations, inspirational interviews, humor, live intuitive readings, ritual and meditations bring you real time healing, transformation and well-bee-ing.

Episode 1: The Summoning: 

Audio Trailer
Welcome to the first episode of Wild Magic Harmony, with Bee Priestess hosts Deborah Fay and Melissa Belliard!  We are thrilled to be circling up with you to create and share sacred space and everything Divine Feminine.  In this episode we discuss our journeys to the Divine Feminine, and how we can invite her into our daily lives.  We card pull and do a reading on this month’s theme from the Goddess Tarot deck by Kris Waldherr Card Decks by Kris – Kris Waldherr Art and Words: the official site of bestselling author Kris Waldherr (kriswaldherrbooks.com) – it’s a juicy one!  We also discuss the genesis of Wild Magic Harmony.
To listen, click here or tune in wherever you catch your podcasts including Anchor, Spotify, Google + Apple Podcasts +more.

Subscribe to make sure our monthly podcast is always queued and ready for you.

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Look for more news about products and services exclusively for members to Wild Magic Harmony’s community soon.

Until next time, enjoy the expanding energy of summer and hope to see you on my table soon (I’m fully vaccinated!),