Re-opening as of July 6th!

Hello!  Governor Baker announced that massage therapy businesses, under Step 2 of Phase 2, could begin opening Monday, June 22nd. I am grateful to see that positive COVID test results in Massachusetts have been declining.  I am excited to announce that Harmony Integrative Bodywork will re-open on Monday, July 6th.

My re-opening plan includes the most rigorous sanitation protocols, use of personal protective equipment, and social distancing precautions.  Even with these precautions, I acknowledge that there is still risk of COVID-19 transmission involved with our type of business.  If you fall into a “high risk” category age or health-wise, please know that I will be doing the best I can to provide a safe environment, but that there is still a risk in leaving your home.  I am carefully watching the numbers in Massachusetts. Should the rates of infection begin to trend negatively or the State of MA shows signs of increased infection risks, I will enact my Re-Closing Plan and close the office to protect our collective health and wellbeing.  If I learn of anyone entering the office who tests positive for the virus, I would notify affected clients/Haverhill Board of Health and would need to shut down temporarily to disinfect, thus affecting appointments scheduled or the possibility of self-quarantine.

Please read further to learn about my new protocols; your safety is my top concern.

I will be wearing a mask and shirt that will be changed between each client, as well as protective glasses that will be disinfected between each client.  On top of regular careful universal hygiene, I will be disinfecting high contact areas before and after every session, and allowing 1-hour between sessions for proper cleaning and disinfection protocols.


You will now be asked to fill out a short Covid-19 Health Questionnaire and informed consent waiver before every session (available online here:   or in my office).

Prescreening Call

You will receive a day-before or day-of reminder/screening call/text to follow up on these questions:

  • Have you had a fever in the last 24 hours of 100°F or above?
  • Do you now, or have you recently had, any respiratory or flu symptoms, sore throat, or shortness of breath?
  • Have you been in contact with anyone in the last 14 days who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or has coronavirus-type symptoms?
  • Have you had new loss of sense of taste or smell?
  • The following questions are specific to a new aspect of COVID-19 involving blood coagulation:
  • Can you exercise to get your heart rate and respiratory rate up without any problem?
  • Have you had a new onset of muscle aches and pain since the emergence of the virus?
  • Have you seen any new marks, rashes, spots, bumps, or other lesions on your skin?

If yes on any, reschedule without penalty.

Client Arrival and Intake:

Please take your temperature at home (I will be doing the same); if your temperature is 100°F or higher, you will be asked to reschedule.

Due to state protocols, you must wear a face covering during the session; I have an alternative for face-down if the mask is uncomfortable. Please provide your own face mask; if you forget it, I will have paper masks available for $2 each.

Upon arrival, although there is a general seating area outside my area, I recommend waiting until your appointment time to come inside the building as there are many businesses and foot traffic.  You are welcome to text me from your car if you arrive early, and I can let you know if the room is ready for you.

Please bring your own bottle of water and leave behind any unneeded items, bags, extra clothing, food items etc.

You will be asked to wash your hands at my sink when entering the office and at the end of your session (after you are off the table/before I re-enter the room).  I will also have hand sanitizer available.

Place your clothing in the supplied receptacle and place on the chair.

Please practice safe protocols for coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose in the office space by using tissues provided to catch any respiratory droplets. Dispose of tissues in the trash receptacle and use hand sanitizer liberally.

Cleaning and Disinfection:

The room is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between each session.  Sanitation between clients involves use of hospital grade disinfectants (70-90% alcohol) to clean anything clients and therapist come in contact with: doorknobs, sink area, light switches, countertops, point-of-sale equipment; as well as massage table, face cradle, stool, bolsters, side tables, and chairs, between every session. 

Building management will provide disinfection of high-touch surfaces in hallways and public spaces (including restrooms) with an EPA-registered disinfectant including all high touch surfaces, e.g. door handles and stairway banisters.

New Cancellation Policy:

Amid the ongoing uncertainty of COVID-19, I have modified my cancellation policy to offer greater flexibility to all clients. I hope this will alleviate any stress and hesitation you have about an upcoming appointment. If you need to reschedule for whatever reason, and especially if you are not feeling well, I understand and request for you to please contact me as soon as possible to reschedule. To further support you, there will be no penalties for advance-notice cancellations.

Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns you may have.  I know this is an unusual time but I look forward to helping you relax back into your body!