Speaking your truth, and save on chair yoga!

Happy spring!  

This month is all about the throat chakra.  Located in the throat, this chakra is about communication, speaking your truth, self-expression of your feelings.  The element is sound/ether, the color is blue (although if you see a different color when working with any chakra, that is your color!).  When balanced, we are optimistic, hopeful, spontaneous.  An imbalance can cause inability to express or release, blocked creativity, sore throat, stiff shoulders, tight neck and jaw.

Some simple affirmations for this chakra (even better if you say them aloud!):

I speak.

I speak my truth.

I honor my inner voice.

I give myself permission to say “no”.

What truths are you swallowing instead of expressing?  Can you practice expressing yourself with someone you trust?  You may find this brings you closer and enhances the relationship.

Great news if you’re age 60+! The Haverhill Citizen Center classes are going to cost less! Classes will be subsidized through the COA and participants will now be paying $2.00 per class (instead of $5). Beginning May 1st Fitness Classes will change to a cashless system. Books of 5 tickets ($10.00) or 10 tickets ($20.00) may be purchased by check or cash. Check out my chair yoga class on Wednesdays at 9:00.

Enjoy the spring flowers,