The Facts about Myofascial Release (MFR)

Happy Spring!  It took awhile but it’s great to see everything in full bloom.  I recently attended a Myofascial Release (MFR) study group, and in addition to learning a new technique, was able to get some treatment myself and then we unwound (released energy) in a local Y pool.  I felt lighter and freer afterwards.

I’ve talked about how MFR has been so helpful in my own healing process from some major injuries (knee and ankle).  I love helping others with their chronic pain and holding patterns.  We focus on the fascia, which is the connective tissue that covers every part of our body, including muscles, bones, organs, and even cells. Having a restriction in one part of your body can pull on the rest of the body. This is why an old ankle injury can be pulling your hips out of alignment and making your neck hurt.

In Myofascial Release, the approach isn’t giving a head-to-toe direct treatment like a massage would, but instead find the areas of restriction and the holding patterns in the body, and coaxing them to release at the fascial level, thereby relieving the tensile pressures of approximately 2000 pounds per square inch caused by these restrictions.  Fascia (connective tissue) that has been injured can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2000 pounds per square inch. This tensile pressure acts like a “straightjacket” on muscles, nerves, blood vessels and bones, producing the symptoms of pain, headaches, and restrictions of motion. In Myofascial Release (MFR), we are working to release your areas of chronic restrictions and holding by engaging with the fascial barrier in a gentle and prolonged way.

Book an appointment today to discover how MFR can help you!  I can be reached at 978-771-0377 (texts are great!).

Enjoy the light and warmth,