Wild Magic Harmony podcast Episode III: Spiritual Teachers

Happy Summer, I hope you are enjoying the sun and heat of August!  I’m thrilled to report that I had my best month yet in July for bookings, so thank you to all my loyal clients as well as some wonderful new folks on the table.  As we continue to navigate the uncertainty around us, I’m  here if you need tips on grounding yourself (my summer favorite is to put my bare feet onto the earth, and picture roots coming out and going down into the grass/dirt/sand/water).

I also had the extreme pleasure and honor of interviewing my early spiritual teacher, the lovely Deborah Roth, for my podcast, Wild Magic Harmony.  We discuss how we met waaaay back in early 2000’s, her “origin story” for how she came to the Divine Feminine/spiritual path, her own spiritual teachers, and how she continues to hold space for Divine Feminine in her daily life.  Check it out wherever you listen to podcasts!  

Here is her bio:  Deborah Roth is a Life Design Specialist and Interfaith Minister dedicated to co-creating practical and magical strategies with individuals and groups to achieve fabulous lives, work, and relationships. She integrates 40+ years of experience in both the corporate world and the esoteric/spiritual disciplines of Feminist Psychology, Women’s Ritual, Astrology, and Tarot. Nowadays, she works primarily with overwhelmed, under-nurtured women (and a few good men!), guiding them through life and career transitions, and helping them to attract & maintain healthy relationships. Since 1996, she’s facilitated monthly New Moon SisterCircles, Full Moon TeleMeditations, a year-long Women’s Spirituality program, and has created and officiated hundreds of magical wedding ceremonies and other life passage rituals. She’s the author of 2 books – The Authentic Woman PlayBook, and Circle of One: The Art of becoming a Self-centered Woman and over the last year, has been offering a weekly video series entitled: “Dancing with your Divinely Feminine Wisdom: A Weekly Date with your Inner Goddess Team”. You can find those videos on her YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/goddessofone1 or just search for Deborah Roth) and learn more about her coaching, books, and women’s circles at www.SpiritedLiving.com  

Until next time, enjoy your summer,