Based on the maps on, here are the territories that span this area around Haverhill Massachusetts. I was not surprised to find how the communities worked with nature to grow food and catch seafood, tapping into all the rich resources of our area.
Pentucket Territory ( “Land of the Winding River” This is a small area clustered around the NH/MA northeast border, including Haverhill. It was the custom of the Native Americans to refer to themselves by the area in which they lived, rather than being part of a tribe. Territorial boundaries generally were defined by rivers and creeks. This article delves into how they lived (even if the languaging is not current for referring to the indigenous peoples): (
Pennacook Territory ( “At the bottom of the hill” Also called Merrimac, they were not a united tribe but a network of politically and culturally allied communities. David Stewart-Smith (1998:19) estimated that the Merrimack Valley had 8,000–25,000 people before the epidemics, with a median of around 16,500 for the central area around Pennacook. ( Covering parts of southern NH/VT/ME, also northeastern MA including Haverhill.
N’dakina (Abenaki), “homeland”, This area covers Vermont, NH, Maine, part of southern Canada, and dips into Massachusetts/Havehill.

Wabanaki, (“people of the dawn”) Covering Nova Scotia, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, this territory also dips into Massachusetts including Haverhill. Wabanaki includes Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik, Abenaki, Penobscot and Passamaquoddy. The online site indicates that traditions continue to be passed along.
Pawtucket ( This area covers southern NH and eastern MA (including Haverhill) down to a little South of Boston. Pawtucket is a branch of the Pennacook community. This site has some fascinating history/details:
I’m glad that I dove deeper into learning about my area, and hope that I have presented the information respectfully without making it sound like a book report. I continue to learn, and commit to contributing to supporting these communities.