Happy February with an extra day!
This month, I’ll be focusing on the second Yama: Satya, which is Truthfulness. We practice satya by thinking, speaking, and acting with integrity. While we may want things to be a certain way, we need to see them for what they truly are and be honest with ourselves and others. 1 of the 8 limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Yamas are abstinences and how we interact with others. By practicing these, we can move closer to inner peace and bliss.
I’m thrilled to have added Aquatic Exercise and additional yoga classes to my teaching schedule. Here is where you can find me:
Tuesdays 11:00 Yin Yoga, Cedardale Health & Fitness
Tuesdays 12:45 Aqua Fit, Choice Fitness Elite Methuen
Wednesdays 9:00 Chair Yoga (60+), Haverhill Citizen Center
Thursdays 5:15 Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga, Cedardale Health & Fitness
Fridays 9:00 Aqua Fit/Yoga, Choice Fitness Elite Salisbury
And if you would like to give yourself some valentine love, here are my openings for the next 2 weeks:
Monday 2/5 3:15 60, 75, 90 minutes
Wednesday 2/7 between 12:45 and 4:30: 60, 75, 90 minutes (latest 90 minutes starts at 2:30)
Monday 2/12 3:00 60, 75, 90 minutes
Tuesday 2/13 3:00 60, 75, 90 minutes
Wednesday 2/14 12:30 60 minutes
Friday 2/16 11:15 60 or 75 minutes
Whatever the groundhog might think, Mother Nature isn’t quite ready for us to unfurl from our cozy hibernation, so enjoy the warmth and darkness a little longer, while you can.